Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Nature’s Call

The sea roared,
Just as it was time to be on board.
Like a Lion it gulped in the ship,
Tirelessly worked the crew, to avoid a slip.
The battle was on,
With the weather Gods singing Anon.
All on board praying to the Almighty for a safe journey,
Eager to meet their loved ones,
Across the vast desert of the Sea.
Oblivion taking the better of them
As the sea refused to mellow its mayhem!
No better was the plight on the other side,
Where the relatives were beginning to get restless with time.
The captain raised the warning alarm,
For the time was near when all would be in the Eternal Calm!
Inevitable was the result of the battle,
With the Lion overpowering the Cattle.
The dawn brought in the news,
Of many dead and several without hues.
That’s the anger of Nature,
It is not merely a silent victim,
But an inflictor itself!
With hurt beyond repair,
Can wreck havoc and bring despair!

~ Garvita Khybri

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